favorite authorsHappy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is upon us—where did this year go? If you’re like me, most of your time was spent reading and writing. I’m thankful to all the authors who I aspire to be like, who enlighten, and entertain me. I hope all those writers who participated in NaNoWriMo this year have completed or have come close to their targets and enjoyed the process. Congratulations for participating!

If you haven’t heard about this yearly phenomenon, it’s National Novel Writing Month. It happens every November, people sign up and commit to writing 50,000 words in the month. There are cheerleaders, daily measuring tools to see your progress, local groups who write together, and so much moreWhy do people do it? It’s a great way to turn off your internal editor and get a story down in writing. NaNoWriMo continues to feed many writers with a positive outlet and a writing community the remaining year as you go back, re-write and edit.Shield-Nano-Blue-Brown-RGB-bigger

Sign up here – and discover more about nanowrimo.org  if you don’t want to wait until next November there is also Camp NaNoWriMo camp-nanowrimo

There are also programs for young writers and free resources for libraries, so if you are into helping your local library or school, you might want to check them out as well.

deanKoontz Credit-©-Thomas-Engstrom1
Photo Credit-©-Thomas-Engstrom1 Visit website http://www.deankoontz.com/

In past years I’ve donated, participated multiple times, and I still hang around with the local group Memphis Wrimos via the facebook page. We enjoy seeing others get their story down. If you’ve never participated, I suggest you research your local group, hang out a bit over this next year, and join the craziness next November. Here is a sample of the pep talks you might read:

Pep Talk from Dean Koontz

The reason I am promoting this yearly activity?

My project for 2018 is a story I wrote during a NaNoWriMo session.

I’m picking the story back up, re-writing it, and editing the hell out of it.

It’s basically a ghost story that needs work. There are good bones already written, but it needs a bit of rewriting, dusting off, and by applying the methods of the Story Grid developed by editor Shawn Coyne which breaks down how to get to the heart of the scenes, my nano work (mess) might work.

Hopefully, I can resurrect the story I wanted to write.book-front-storygrid

Like from so many other mentors, I have learned much from Shawn Coyne and Steven Pressfield. The past few years I have been following these men (not stalking). They really know their stuff—Editor Shawn Coyne has a great book and podcast (for those who like to listen) about writing & editing, and Steven Pressfield has a book and blogs about various writing elements like the difference between villains and heroes.

Story Grid a book by Shawn Coyne, is a great resource – grab the book if you haven’t already. The War of Art is another great resource, written by talented author, Steven Pressfiled – grab the book here.warofart

Learning from these talented men helps me to focus on what’s really important, the story.

What are you working on? List it below in the comments and start the buzz around your story. I’m curious and willing to be your WIP cheerleader. Let’s support Indie all the way—from the beginning to ‘The End’.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.

EZIndiebutton2  Keep reading – Keep writing!

P.S. InTheWoods_MurderInTheNorthEastKingdom_Insidecover_Med_2017Watch for the print edition of

IN THE WOODS Murder In The North East Kingdom

  • Coming in December for those who prefer books with spines, or like to give paperback books for holiday gifts. A book gives readers a new world, perspective, and entertainment.

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