To be a good writer you first have to write…

writing everyday


Sounds like a given but it is often the hardest step – staying focused and away from distractions.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to make a daily writing HABIT.

Definition of Habit –

  1. an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary
  2. customary practice or use
  3. a particular practice, custom, or usage
  4. a dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality
  5. addiction, especially to narcotics

So what are the best habits that lead to good writing?

Creativity 10
Alex F. Osborn author of the creativity technique named brainstorming
There are many experts in the field that have lists and secrets.

The bottom line is it has to work for you. Each individual writer needs to find their own path. Check out other writers and see what helps them because some of the tips may be exactly what you need to get your writing done.

Some thoughts on getting started:

  • Create your idea and then utilize a writing project outline (to keep a clear vision of your goal and fight against writer’s block, motivate yourself and will help when it’s time for marketing, too.)
  • Create character lists (get to know them in detail before you start writing the story)
  • Research (your subject, location or anything relevant to the story)
  • Be flexible and willing to adjust your original thoughts as necessary to keep the story flowing
  • Track changes and keep to daily word counts (it’s easy to get confused writing a large project)
  • Write down ideas when they pop in your head (even if they aren’t pertaining to the project you are working on. Get it on paper and out of your head and save for future. Always have paper & pencil nearby)
  • Set up a schedule THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT

Reserve a designated amount of time to sit & write.

timeclockThis is often the hardest to accomplish because we have so many distractions. Treat your writing like punching a time clock, schedule time to write – it’s your job.

Also schedule time to edit. Let’s not forget that we also have to format and market. This is very daunting when you think of all the time these activities consume.

So to make it less overwhelming, break things out into smaller pieces.



Your main goal is to stay true to your objective, and never give up writing time. Make it the most obsessive thing you do –

Your HABIT – the writing addiction!

feet-going-places by Karen Arnold





ezlogobutton[8]   Keep Reading – Keep Writing!

Resources for daily writing:

Scrivener Basics – Introduction for Windows by Literature & Latte

How I Outline! [3 Acts : 9 Blocks : 27 Chapters] by KatyTastic

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