Why I Like Iowa

Iowa is a very popular place to be this week. I would like to be there as well, but not for the caucus. I have high regard for the University of Iowa and the International Writing Program that they deploy across the world. They also offer a two-year residency writer's program http://writersworkshop.uiowa.edu/ You can find a…

Content Strategy – The New Buzz In Marketing (Stories are important)

Writing can be an awesome job - Selling your ART is another matter. No one likes to go out and hustle people to buy 'your stuff'  - it just feels weird - right? Unfortunately, in order to make a living we have to market our ART.  That means selling - and that definitely means marketing. …

Don’t Tell Me What To Do! Embrace The Freedom

Don’t Tell Me What To Do! Does this sound familiar? Tell someone to do something and they run in the opposite direction. Command to go left and they turn right. Stubbornness YOU say…I say NO. It’s just a stand against conformity. If everyone followed restrictions there would be no creativity. Everyone would look like everyone…

No Replacement for Your Brain Power

I have been reading lately about 21st century technology and where it's heading. New discoveries and the ongoing research around the human brain, how it works... and one thought jumps out. All the new computerized algorithms and all the visual stimulation we see today is still processed by the good old human brain. What a wonder we…